Everyone gets hungry, but how do you get people to be passionate about granola bars? We'll explore how Nature Valley's "Where's Yours?" campaign did just that with a good question and a lot of creativity. In this campaign, travel enthusiasts were invited to submit a video describing their own "Nature Valley" for a chance to win one of three trips to exotic locations, making the campaign's YouTube channel one of the most subscribed-to sponsors in YouTube history.
In this webinar, John Williams of General Mills will provide a campaign overview, Shane Robbins of MRM Worldwide will recap campaign strategy, and Angela Reynar of Google will highlight the ad effectiveness research, which measured brand lift, online behavior, and offline sales.
If you haven't yet, check out the "Where's Yours?" site and YouTube Channel, and view the campaign-starting video below.
Register here to join us for the webinar on Thursday, December 18th at 12pm EST. You'll need the event password googleCPG to register, and you'll then receive an email with further details and dial-in information for the webinar.