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Inés Sainz (Galeria 1)

Ciudad de Dios

Ciudad de Dios (Cidade de Deus, 2002) es una película brasileña basada en el libro homónimo de Paolo Lins (Ciudad de Dios, 1997), el cual narra la rivalidad real entre las pandillas de Knockout Ned y Zé Pequenho. El filme es dirigido por Fernando Meirelles y Kátia Lund y estelarizado por actores debutantes: Alexandre Rodrigues, Leandro Firmino da Hora, Jonathan Haagensen, Douglas Silva y Seu Jorge. La película se encuentra ambientada en los barrios pobres (favelas) de Río de Janeiro durante los años 60's. Para entonces la Ciudad de Dios es un desarrollo urbano que representa una alternativa gubernamental a la pobreza extrema de las favelas ubicadas en las laderas de la ciudad carioca. Sin embargo los nuevos moradores de la urbanización carecen las adecuadas oportunidades de desarrollo, por lo que la delincuencia se convierte en el modus vivendi de muchos jóvenes. El barrio es dominado en un principio por el "Trío Ternura", una banda de adolescentes que no sólo roban para sí mismos sino para compartir con sus empobrecidos vecinos. El hermano menor de uno de ellos, Buscapíes o Buscapé (Wilson Rodrigues) tiene otras aspiraciones, mientras otros de sus amigos, Bené (Phellipe Haagensen) y Dadito o Dadinho (Douglas Silva) sueñan con ser delincuentes y tener dinero. Este último decide incluso eliminar a los integrantes del "Trío Ternura", demostrando sus instintos criminales. Pasan algunos años y Buscapiés busca ser fotógrafo, mientras que Dadito, ahora convertido en Zé Pequeño (Leandro Firmino da Hora) y Bené se han convertido en narcotraficantes, aunque sus propósitos son distintos, porque Zé Pequeño desea ser temido y poderoso, mientras que Bené quiere el dinero para tener la vida que nunca tuvo. Se acerca a los jóvenes de clase media y alta a los que les vende droga y les encarga ropa parecidas a las suyas, se tiñe el pelo y sale a bailar con ellos. Sin embargo Bené es asesinado por accidente, al tiempo que Zé Pequeño se gana un temible enemigo, Mané Galinha o Knockout Ned (Seu Jorge), un cobrador de autobús, quien busca vengar la violación de su novia por parte de Ze Pequeño así como el asesinato de sus familiares. Mané se alía con Zanahoria o Cenoura (Matheus Nachtergaele), un narcotraficante menor que siempre ha sido intimidado por Ze Pequeño, así como otros enemigos de Zé (como una banda de niños) y se desata una guerra de pandillas. Gracias a la cercanía de Buscapiés con Zé Pequeño, logra fotos que le abren la puerta como fotágrafo en un diario y termina siendo testigo de la lucha entre ambos bandos. Al final el filme propone el cierre de un ciclo para comenzar otro, y todo lo que pasó, volverá inexorablemente a pasar de nuevo.

Ciudad de Dios es una película que más allá de sus dosis de violencia nos muestra la manera en cómo se desperdicia la vida por falta de oportunidades. Recibió cuatro nominaciones al óscar: Mejor Cinematografía (César Charlone), Mejor Dirección (Fernando Meirelles), Mejor Edición (Daniel Rezende) y Mejor Guión Adaptado (Braulio Mantovani). Por tal motivo su calidad esta garantizada.

Ciudad de Dios: **** (Excelente)

AdWords Optimization Tips: Managing and Optimizing Bids

Welcome back to our series on AdWords Optimization Tips. A number of our readers have written in to ask about managing and optimizing their bids for best performance, so that is the topic we'll address today. Please note that some of today's tips are directed towards readers who also use Google Analytics, while others are general tips for all AdWords users.

When you are optimizing your bids, you should test how adjusting your bids and changes in your ad ranking affect your return-on-investment (ROI). Below, we cover a few tools and tips that can help you measure these results so you can make the best decisions for your campaigns.

AdWords Keyword Positions report from Google Analytics

If your AdWords account is linked to a Google Analytics account, the easiest and most effective way to optimize your bids is to use Google Analytics. (You can find out how to link the two accounts here.) You can use the Google Analytics Keyword Positions report in the Traffic Sources section to see where your AdWords ads appear on Google search results pages as well as in which position your ad performs best at in terms of total number of visits, conversion rates, etc. To access this report, sign in to your Analytics account, then go to Traffic Sources > AdWords > Keyword Positions. Positions T1 through T3 mean your ad was promoted to the top of the search results page. Positions 1 through 8 indicate placement or location in the right-hand column of ads on the first page, with 1 being the top position, and so on.

You might learn from this report that your ad actually converts better when it is at a lower position than a higher position and you may want to consider adjusting your bid to achieve the best performing position. However, if you do decide to increase or decrease your bids, you should still check back in a week or two to make sure that your keyword is performing similarly since changing its average position.

If you wish to automate the process of testing and adjusting bids, you can use the AdWords Keyword Positions report in conjunction with the Position Preference feature within AdWords to actually optimize your ad's position. With the Position Preference feature, you can select a specific position as a target. If you have determined that you achieve highest ROI with positions 3 through 4, for example, you can set your position preference to these positions. The system will then try to show your ad in positions 3 through 4 by increasing or lowering its bid. You should keep in mind though your changes may improve the ROI of your campaign because your ads are converting well at a lower cost, it could decrease the total amount of traffic to your site if you've specified that you'd like your ad to be in a lower position on the page. Be sure to check out tips in our Help Center on choosing settings and pricing for Position Preference.

If you use Analytics, you can check out more ROI tips from the Google Analytics Conversion University.

Traffic Estimator Tool

If you don't use Google Analytics, you can still adjust and optimize your bids using the Traffic Estimator Tool. For each keyword you select, you will be able to see the minimum bid, maximum CPC, the search volume bar, Estimated Ad Positions, and other information. The most relevant column for the purposes of testing ad ranking against ROI is the Estimated Ad Positions information. The Estimated Ad Positions column shows your ad's estimated position on each of your keywords with your current maximum CPC. If you're unhappy with the estimated ad position, enter a new maximum CPC in the Maximum CPC field and click 'Get New Estimates.' You can follow a step-by-step guide on how to use Traffic Estimator here.

Testing again and again

Lastly, you can always measure results without any special tools by simply looking at your conversions and your position, and then manually adjusting your bids until you achieve your optimal ROI. We want to emphasize that bidding higher CPCs for the keywords that you want isn't always what's best for your ROI. Instead, we recommend that you find out where the keyword is converting the best for the optimal cost. In this experimentation process, you may lower your bid too much and see conversions go down significantly or you may raise it too much and see no changes in conversions. Through testing and measuring, you should be able find the sweet spot where you are most effectively reaching your advertising goals.

For a more comprehensive range of topics related to managing bids, we recommend that you visit the Managing Cost-Per-Click and 'How do I strategically maximize my ROI?' topics in the Help Center. And you may also want to read more about the Conversion Optimizer beta.

As always, we want to know about the optimization tips you're interested in. Please email us to let us know and you may see your question answered in a future post.

Weight Loss Food

Citrus fruits like, oranges and limes contain high concentrations of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This Vitamin C has a fat burning quality. Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of fat. It reduces its content and can liquefy or dilute fat. By diluting the fat, it makes it less effective, and easier to flush out of your system. Vitamin C also works on cholesterol deposits. By adding Citrus Fruits to your daily diet, you will greatly increase your metabolism, increase your ability to get rid of fat, and also control your cholesterol levels.

Add applesauce (it's loaded with pectin), apples, fresh fruit and berries, to your diet and let the power of pectin pulverize the fat that accumulates on your cells. An apple a day can help keep the fat away.

Cucumbers are usually used in many salads, besides tasting great their high water content adds to your bulk hence making you feel full. They can be consumed before every meal which will greatly help you from over-eating.

Berries contain a chemical call pectin. Pectin limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb. This will put a natural limitation on the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Pectin, once in your system, has a water binding property, it absorbs watery substances, and these watery substances in turn bombards the cells and makes it release fat deposits.

Garlic oil or the juice of garlic has a significant protective quality to cells which help to reduce fatty deposits. When taken, it brings down the levels of fat. Garlic, garlic oil, or anything with garlic, also has an antibiotic property to it and can be used to cure many ailments.

Breakfast cereals are typically heavily processed foods, and most of their original micronutrients, like vitamins or minerals, are removed during the food-processing. However, most breakfast cereals are fortified with added vitamins and minerals, making them a convenient source of most B-vitamins, vitamin D and several minerals including iron. Wholegrain breakfast cereals (eg. granola, muesli, oats) are typically rich in natural B-vitamins, soluble fiber (which helps to lower cholesterol) and have a lower GI-value than regular refined cereals.

Paz Vega

Sitio Web Oficial:

The Very Best Part!

Everyone always asks me what the best part of being a wedding planner is, and I always say when the client tells me what a wonder day they've had and all of their dreams came true - and today my heart is so warmed with just the best thank you E.V.E.R!

Natalia and Jose came back from their honeymoon today and sent me some preliminary photo's and also the just the best of thank yous, when really, they are just the best sort of client! So thank you guys for including me and my team in your wedding, it was truly our honor!

YouTube and Checkout for the non-profit world

Ever since YouTube first launched, people and organizations have been using it to broadcast their causes and engage supporters around the issues they care about. In that spirit, today YouTube unveiled its Non-Profit Program at the Clinton Global Initiative to help non-profit organizations more easily connect with the world's largest online video community. In the past few years, online video has emerged as a key tool for grassroots organizing on the Internet -- a short, simple video can demonstrate the impact and the needs of an organization in a uniquely compelling fashion. This program will enable non-profits to create dedicated YouTube channels for themselves, making it even easier for people to find, watch, and engage with the organization's video content. The initial participants are 13 organizations including the American Cancer Society, Friends of the Earth, and YouthNoise.

One other thing the YouTube Non-Profit Program offers: the ability to collect donations directly from these channels using the new Google Checkout for Non-Profits. Checkout for Non-Profits -- which can also be integrated directly into a non-profit's site -- helps drive more donations for U.S.-based 501(c)(3) groups by making it possible for supporters to contribute quickly and securely. It also offers supporters the satisfaction of knowing that 100 percent of their contributions will be sent to the non-profit, as Google has committed to processing donations through Checkout for free through at least the end of 2008. This functionality is particularly exciting, as today's fund-raising is increasingly moving online -- and Checkout for Non-Profits makes the entire process even easier. You can learn more here.

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat (o simplemente MK) es serie de videojuegos de pelea desarrollado por la empresa Midway Games (entre 1991 y 1992). Primero se comercializaron en máquinas de juegos tragamonedas (arcade) a través de Midway Manufacturing Company y posteriormente Acclaim Entertainment lanzó versiones para consolas caseras. Sus personajes fueron creados por John Tobias y Ed Boon y su peculiaridad, comparada con otros juegos similares, era que incorporaba figuras humanas reales mediante gráficos digitalizados. Cada luchador era un actor humano al cual se capturaban sus sus movimientos y se incorporaban en el juego (el resto de los juegos de peleas utilizaba dibujos animados). Otra característica fue el alto grado de violencia en las peleas (con sangre incluida), las cuales podían concluir con una ejecución sangrienta del perdedor (Fatality) como descuartizamientos, decapitaciones, incineraciones, explosiones, etc. Los juegos tuvieron tanto éxito que sus personajes fueron utilizados tanto en series de televisión, juguetes coleccionables, una revista así como en dos películas: Mortal Kombat (1995) y Mortal Kombat Annihilation (1997). Cada nuevo juego de la serie ha significado un evolución del sistema de combate. Los primeros tres juegos se caracterizaban porque sus personajes (en 2D) poseían similares habilidades de lucha. En la cuarta edición (MK4) se incorporaron los peleadores tridimensionales y en Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance cada personaje adquirió distintos estilos de pelea. Tales mejoras han permitido mantener vigente la franquicia hasta la actualidad y en diferentes plataformas.

Enlaces Recomendados:


Descarga Mortal Kombat Pack (Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2,
Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat 4 y Mortal Kombat Trilogy):
Mortal Kombat Pack (Parte 1)
Mortal Kombat Pack (Parte 2)
Mortal Kombat Pack (Parte 3)

Our testimony on Google-DoubleClick

You may have read that a U.S. Senate committee in Washington is holding a hearing today looking at online advertising and our acquisition of DoubleClick. Check out our Public Policy blog for more details about Google's testimony.

Alicia Key - Hollywood

9 Pictures

Camila Sodi (Galeria 1)

Revista H para Hombres, Getty Images y TVyNovelas

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Google participates in Stanford AdFraud 2007 workshop

Over the past several years, Google has encouraged academic research and participation in the area of click fraud detection. Our Ad Traffic Quality team is excited to continue this support and recently participated in the AdFraud 2007 workshop at Stanford University. The workshop was attended by more than one hundred participants from academia and industry, and provided an open forum for discussing the technical and social aspects of fighting click fraud.

Dr. Kourosh Gharachorloo, who leads Google's Ad Traffic Quality engineering team, presented the opening talk at the workshop. Kourosh's talk focused primarily on the economics of online advertising and click fraud. The talk presented two frameworks modeling advertiser spend against Google's incentives to help advertisers achieve better ROI. The first framework illustrates how Google's incentives are aligned with those of our advertisers - i.e. our click fraud detection techniques improve advertiser ROI, which then leads to increased advertiser success with AdWords. The second framework shows how low-quality sources of traffic in the Google Network directly reduce Google's revenue along with the revenue of our content partners. The combined frameworks demonstrate that Google has strong economic incentives to fight click fraud, in addition to the extremely important goal of earning and maintaining advertiser trust.

Kourosh's talk also included an overview of Google's approach to detecting invalid clicks. In addition, he described the limitations of the metrics used by the click fraud detection industry to evaluate the impact of click fraud. He concluded the talk by discussing the additional data that Google discloses to advertisers, which uniquely enables AdWords users to reconcile their web server logs with the statistics in their AdWords accounts.

The Ad Traffic Quality team will continue to collaborate with the academic community on research projects and events such as the Stanford AdFraud workshop. For the latest on what this team is up to, please visit the Ad Traffic Quality Resource Center where you'll find Kourosh's presentation [PDF] and a 70-minute video of his talk.

Rosario Tijeras

Rosario Tijeras (2005) es una estupenda película colombiana basada en el libro homónimo escrito por Jorge Franco y publicado en el año 2004. Coproducción Colombia-España-México, dirigida por Emilio Maillé y estelarizada por Flora Martínez, Manolo Cardona y Unax Ugalde, posee una narrativa basada en una serie de sucesivos flashbacks. En la escena inicial se muestra a un muchacho, Antonio (Unax Ugalde), quien llega a la sala de emergencias de un hospital llevando en sus brazos a una joven herida de bala, Rosario (Flora Martínez). Mientras espera los resultados de la atención médica (con un reloj que parece nunca avanzar), Antonio comienza a recordar y entonces aparecen una serie de escenas que nos permiten conocer el resto de la historia ubicada en el Medellín a finales de los años 80's o principios de los 90's. Antonio (Ugalde) y Emilio (Manolo Cardona) son dos amigos que suelen asistir los fines de semana a una discoteca y ahí conocen a Rosario, una atractiva chica. Antonio (el introvertido) y Emilio (el conquistador) sucumben ante la sensualidad de la mujer. Rosario trabaja, al igual que su hermano Jonhefe (Rodrigo Oviedo), como sicarios al servicio de narcotraficantes. Ambos no sólo son victimarios, sino víctimas de la violencia y la pobreza de la época en los barrios periféricos de Medellín. Rosario, siendo aún muy joven, ha sido víctima del abuso sexual y no tuvo otro remedio que defenderse con unas tijeras (de ahí su apodo). Entonces abandona a su madre Doña Ruby (Alejandra Borrero) y se va a vivir con su hermano, compartiendo su "profesión". Emilio es quien logra primero relacionarse con Rosario, a pesar del rechazo por parte de la adinerada familia de Emilio. Tanto Antonio como Emilio (ambos enamorados de ella) comparten con Rosario sus vivencias e incluso sus tragedias, como el asesinato de su hermano a manos de otro sicario. El funeral de Jonhefe resulta anecdótico, ya que en lugar de ser velado su cadáver es llevado a un burdel a celebrar su despedida de este mundo. Es entonces cuando la relación platónica entre Rosario y Antonio comienza a convertirse en algo real, hasta que abruptamente Rosario termina siendo también víctima de la violencia de la cual ha sido parte durante toda su vida.

Nominada en España al Premio Goya a la Mejor Película Extranjera, Rosario Tijeras resulta una película que, por los ambientes sórdidos y sin esperanza en los cuales se desarrolla, no podía conocer un final feliz. Este paseo por las profundidades de Medellín, un lugar en el que como dice Rosario “es más fácil matar que amar”, pone de manifiesto los estigmas de la pobreza y marginación, la violencia del narcotráfico y el poco valor de la vida, tanto la ajena como la propia. Mención aparte merece su banda sonora, con excelentes canciones como "Rosario Tijeras" de Juanes y una nueva versión de "I Feel Love" interpretada por Adassa.

Rosario Tijeras: *** (Buena)

A new caffeine-free way to stay alert

Since new videos are constantly appearing all over the web, it's difficult to keep tabs on all of them. But now Google Alerts will make it easy for you to add video to your other Alerts: News, Web, Blog and Groups.

Video Alerts enables you to specify any topics or queries of interest so we can deliver interesting and relevant videos on a daily, weekly, or as-it-happens basis (your choice) to you via email. To start receiving Video Alerts, you can visit the Google Alerts homepage directly or set up the alert during your normal video searches. Videos may come from Google Video, YouTube, or many other video sources on the web.

What are you waiting for? Stay up to date with the One Laptop Per Child program. Find the latest videos on the Lunar X-Prize. Impress Grandma by updating your scarf-knitting skills.

Lindsey and Jesse's Wedding!

Lindsey and Jesse’s wedding was perfect! She looked radiant, he was incredible – the location was just amazing, Lange Farm near Tampa, Florida. Lindsey being an event planner (having studied under moi!) had everything any wedding planner could have asked for. It was truly every girls dream wedding!

Here is just a brief sampling of what she had done –

Awaiting you upon your arrival to The Farm was a seated in the round ceremony adorned with colors of flowing chocolate. And waiting for you on your seat was a program for the ceremony and a Seating Arrangement envelope with the seating chart by Table. The ceremony was extremely personal and absolutely beautiful!

Walking into the most ginormous air-conditioned tent, E.V.E.R – greeting you was a large table with brown pens and ivory cards to write a wish to the bride and groom. And the guest book was moved in case you missed it upon arrival. Waiting at your seat was a bag to fill with candy from the candy bar, and at your place setting was an adorable crossword and pencil for you to complete while waiting for Lindsey and Jesse. The first 3 guests to complete it were treated a special gift from the bride and groom. Super Sweet huh!

More to follow!

Please Upgrade to AdWords Editor 4.0 by October 3rd

We'd like to ask anyone still using AdWords Editor 3.5 to upgrade to the latest version (4.0) before October 3, 2007. After October 3rd, 2007, version 3.5 will no longer be supported. As you may already know, old versions of AdWords Editor are retired 60 days after new versions are released in order to optimize our resources and provide the best user experience for AdWords Editor users.

To upgrade, just follow the automatic download prompt that appears when you start AdWords Editor. Important note: To preserve any comments or unposted changes, you will need to export an archive of your account before upgrading. After you've completed the upgrade, simply download your account and import the archive file.

For a complete list of version 4.0 features, please see our release notes. And, if you're not sure which version of AdWords Editor you are using, here's how to find out: Within the program, go to the 'Help' menu then click 'About AdWords Editor.'

Maribel Guardia (Galeria 1)

Revista H para Hombres y TVyNovelas

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Maribel Guardia (Galeria 2)