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Decoracion de dormitorios: Un toque de humor antes de dormir

Imagínate al ir a acostarte y retiras el cubre cama y ves estos cómicas cojines, no puedes hacer más nada que reír.
Estos divertidos cojines son una colección de Matt Jones, llamada Pop Pillows. Son unos cojines reversibles con diferentes temas para elegir, Noise Pollution, Angel and devil y Dead tired.
Mira con que detalle puedes darle un poco de humos a tu cabeza, casi como una fotografía, estos cojines brindan un aire lúdico a un simple hecho cotidiano.

Fuente: Designsen.

Decoracion de interiores en blanco y negro

La sala, posee como centro de atención un sofá con piel de vaca, muy llamativa, acompañada por una chimenea y dos clásicos de Mies Van der Rohe (aquellos del pabellón de Barcelona) pero, por supuesto, "aggiornados".
Pero una mezcla ecléctica es lo llamativo, porque en este blanco espacio con objetos que juegan con su contraste, encontramos unos muebles de estilo clásico, en color madera.
Unas hermosas sillas en color negro con patas en madera, acompañan a una mesa rectangular de vidrio.
El color principal, generalmente es el blanco, el negro sería correr un riesgo importante.
El baño y el dormitorio, poseen un diseño más despojado y minimalista. Y para este tipo de decoración, el blanco y negro, son ideales.

Sonam Kapoor on Filmfare

If you thought that Sonam Kapoor is someone who is simple and homely, check out these new photos of her from Filmfare magazine’s latest issue.......

8 Images

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World's Longest Ear Hair

KANPUR, India -- A man in northern India has been recognized by Guinness World Records as having the world's longest ear hair.The tufts coming out of the man's ears measured more than 5 inches when he set the record in 2003.The hair has now grown to nearly 10 inches.In fact, the hair is so long he has to shampoo and comb it.He was granted a certificate from Guinness to certify him as the record-holder.However, he complained that too many people consider his feat foolish and said the Indian government isn't treating him with the respect he deserves as a world record-holder. More images after the break...

Kangana Ranaut Magazine Scans

Kangana Ranaut is the flavor of the season as she was seen in the blockbuster Fashion and will be seen in........
4 Images and Video

Hotel made in Salt

All walls, floor and furniture of this hotel are made in salt. It is clear, as around in kilometers the.......

14 Images

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Brooke Hogan on Jogging

Brooke Hogan has a Huge laps for jogging, Brooke Hogan is tall and everything else is proportionately....

14 Images

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One more Mini Re-Cap

As I am stilly tallying the numbers, I can tell you that I am very impressed with the generousity of our friends, family, and Let's Eat Cake! supporters!

I know we had a lofty goal! And times were different 2 years ago when I set that goal, so although we'll come close, I know that St. Jude Children's Research Hospital will appreciate every thing that we are doing!

I wanted to thank these folks for blogging about our event, and posting pictures! We should have ours back soon, I want to make the official announcements!!! (so check back Monday)

Steamy Kitchen - for writing about the event so quickly, for loving the cakes, for being a fantastical judge, and loving food as much as me!!! You are the best Jaden!!!

Blissful Bride - Amanda, you are so sweet! Thank you for your friendship, for blogging about Let's Eat Cake!, for volunteering at the event, and just being all around amazing! I am blessed to have you as my friend!

Unique Designs - Where to start! You guys designed the most amazing bakers invitations, the posters were amazing!!! People stopped me on the street to tell me how swank they are! And for helping make this event so classy and fun! (and for helping my sister!) You are true friends! Thank you!!!

Tampa Tribune - Yup! Tampa Tribune! Jaden Hair (see above) wrote an awesome article for the paper, and I love you for it!!!

K-Gallery - Thanks Matt and Krystal for coming to Let's Eat Cake! and for loving my sister's cake unbiasedly!!! You both Rock!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Powers Photography- I know Stewart and Susan are waiting for me to blog the pictures, before they do- but they deserve a huge THANK YOU, for always being there for me, and for Let's Eat Cake! for bringing my sister to tears (in a good way), for photographing our entrie event, and for being my friend! Thank you!

Keeley Hazell (Galeria 1)

Revista FHM y Zoo

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The AdWords Pros hit Twitter

For all you Twitter fans out there, you can now get your AdWords questions answered - in 140 characters or less. Sarah and Stephen, whom you may know from the AdWords Help Forum, are now on Twitter. Sarah and Stephen will also be posting tips, AdWords system alerts, and other AdWords-related announcements to help keep you up to date on the latest from AdWords. If you're not following them already, be sure to check Sarah out at AdWordsProSarah and Stephen at AdWordsHelper.

Blogger connects to Google Friend Connect

When we introduced the Following feature for Blogger last fall, we wanted to help you connect with fans of your own blog and discover communities of people who share your interests. It has been exciting to see Following grow over the past few months, to say the least. With nearly three million communities of followers on Blogger blogs, and with one person following a blog every second, we've been looking for ways to help these communities continue to thrive.

As a first step toward that goal, today we are integrating the Blogger Following feature with Google Friend Connect. Not only does this make it easier for anyone to follow a Blogger blog, but also it gives your blog expanded visibility across the web as your followers join other sites and share their activities with their friends.

Blogger joins an open network of websites already using Friend Connect and visitors can now follow any Blogger blog by signing in with their Google, Yahoo, AOL, or OpenID credentials. The blogs that readers start to follow will appear alongside the other Friend Connect sites they've already joined. Additionally, you can find some new blogs and websites to join by checking out the profiles of other followers.

This video shows you how to follow a blog:

If you have a Blogger blog and you're already using the Followers gadget, you don't need to do anything to get these new features up and running — we've already migrated all of the existing Followers gadgets to the new version with Friend Connect. To learn more, visit our blog post on Blogger Buzz.

Translate between 41 languages with Google Translate

Google Translate recently added Turkish, Thai, Hungarian, Estonian, Albanian, Maltese, and Galician to the mix. The rollout of these seven additional languages marks a new milestone: automatic translations between 41 languages (1,640 language pairs!). This means we can now translate between languages read by 98% of Internet users.

In just a few years, the machine translation group within Google Research has taken its initial research system from two languages to 41 languages and is now handling millions of translation requests a day. For several languages, Google Translate is the first freely available machine translation system for these languages. Of course, there's always room for improvement, and we're working hard to improve translation quality. Our statistical models are built from vast quantities of monolingual and translated texts using automated machine learning techniques.

It's exciting and satisfying to work on a product that can help people access content they may otherwise be unable to understand. We've heard stories of people using Google Translate to help them do business internationally, and we've seen many websites (e.g., New York's Metro Transit Authority) and blogs add the Google Translate My Page Gadget to their pages to make their content more accessible to people from all over the world.

Whenever I personally travel, I do lots of research on the web to figure out what to see and do, and where to stay and eat. With Translate, I'm able to use the cross-language search feature to find and access the latest info (e.g., restaurant recommendations, most recent trains/bus schedules, special events, etc.), which is often only available in the local language.

More importantly, Translate provides people who may not otherwise have a lot of web content available in their own language with access to the wealth of content on the truly worldwide web.

Budget Saver!

I know you hear over and over again, that the biggest way to safe money is to cut your guest list, but what if that just isn't an option for you?

Some people just can't cut the number of people. And I understand that!

But what if you cut the food - I mean, don't invite people and expect them to starve. But what are your options?

Southern Style:

What about a Tea and Cake Reception, or Champagne and Cake? If you plan your ceremony after 8PM, and note on your invitation, "Dessert Reception to Follow" you'd be in store for this:

and this: {Dressed up the Champage with different kinds of fruit}
cakes by Posh Pastry {for 2 Year Old birthday party}

Matt and Tracey - Beautiful, inside and out!

Matt and Tracey are amazing!!!! I knew after we had the first meeting with them that they were extraordinary! As we've gotten to know each other more and more - I love them more and more.... then... well - these pictures are just incredible!
They are so beautiful {the clients and the pictures!} Pure by Lindsey took the pictures, and I love them!!!

On a side note, Matt and Tracey were huge supporters of Let's Eat Cake! and I thank them so much for that!!! I heart you guys!!!

Vanessa Huppenkothen (Galeria 1)

Televisa Deportes y Revista TV Notas

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Google Toolbar 6 beta for Internet Explorer: back to basics

The Toolbar Team has always been focused on improving your web experience. We started with the goal of making search more accessible, and a couple of iterations led to improvements like search suggestions, Google Bookmarks, Autofill, and Custom Buttons and gadgets. Now we're bringing the focus back to our core areas of search and navigation.

First of all, in today's Toolbar 6 launch for Internet Explorer we're introducing the Quick Search Box (QSB) feature that provides search functionality outside of the browser. Just click on the Google logo in the taskbar to trigger it (or use the Ctrl+Space shortcut for quicker access). As you type, it will provide search and website suggestions, relevant bookmarks, and even allow you to launch applications directly from the search box. Try typing "solitaire" to see the application launcher in action. And here's the best part: as you use the QSB, it'll customize itself to your usage pattern, so over time you have to type fewer characters to navigate to your favorite sites and applications.

In addition, we're building on our existing suggest functionality in the Toolbar search box by bringing elements from our search results page directly into the toolbar. We're experimenting with displaying high-quality website suggestions and sponsored links as you type your query. Clicking on these will take you directly to the website (try typing "cnn" in the toolbar to see an example). Going forward, we'll continue to explore new ideas and optimize the search box to give you the best experience possible.

Lastly, we wanted to bring the new tab page to our Internet Explorer users (our Firefox Toolbar users have been enjoying it already for the last few weeks). You can quickly access your most viewed sites, recently closed tabs and bookmarked pages — all from this new tab page. Editing your most visited sites is easy, and all this data remains locally in your browser, meaning none of your most viewed sites or recently closed pages are sent back to Google. Those who prefer new tabs to open a blank page or a website can do so in the Internet Explorer or Toolbar settings menus.

So, give the latest toolbar a shot — it's available in 40 languages — and don't forget to let us know what you think.

on 3/24: Google Toolbar 6 is now out of beta.

The search is on for the Google Search Appliance

The Google Search Appliance (aka the GSA) provides universal search for businesses of all sizes. This handy yellow box pulls together documents, images, and other files from web servers, intranets, business applications, and more, making all of this accessible from one search box. Now we're holding a contest to see how "findable" the GSA is in offices from coast to coast in the U.S.

If the GSA has helped your business, we want to hear your story and see your pics with the shiny yellow box. (Don't worry, your photo doesn't have to be star-studded to win.) Two grand-prize winners will receive an all-expense paid trip to the Google IO conference.

The contest deadline is March 31, 2009 and the winners will be announced on April 17. For more information and to find out how to enter, check out the Enterprise Blog.

Ideas para separar ambientes

Desde que los lofts irrumpieran en nuestras ciudades hace ya casi dos décadas, los comentarios acerca de su utilidad se suceden. Las opiniones, tantas como variadas, a favor o en contra, impulsoras y detractoras… El loft nace como nueva forma de vida y a él le dedicaremos un capítulo aparte, hoy nos vamos a centrar en algo que el loft trajo consigo.

Los espacios diáfanos son la causa o la consecuencia de los lofts, pero aún dispuestos a vivir en un solo espacio que cubra todas nuestras necesidades, hay tareas que precisan de una cierta intimidad. La búsqueda del espacio personal dentro del compartido, en ausencia de tabiques, requiere creatividad.

Imaginación al poder!! A falta de ladrillos, sirven todos aquellos métodos de separación que se nos ocurran, y las soluciones llegan a nuestras casas a borbotones.

El biombo es una herencia oriental, injustamente tratada durante años por su aparente inutilidad. Y es que hay cosas que han llegado a nuestras manos, mucho antes de que surgiera en nosotros la necesidad de utilizarlas.

Pero ahora gana fuerza día a día ya que nos permite unir o separar estancias en función de la actividad a desarrollar. Es una opción cómoda y ligera y que no conlleva el compromiso de un tabique, que perdurará “por siempre y jamás” en el mismo lugar.

Cualquier mueble colocado estratégicamente cumplirá doble función. Una librería abierta por ambos lados separará ambientes permitiendo el paso de la luz a la vez que sirve para almacenar libros, adornos, figuras… La trasera de un armario ropero, decorada como si de una pared se tratase se convertirá en un tabique divisorio si lo colocamos en el centro de la habitación.

Las mamparas de cristal quizá han sido la última incorporación al mundo de la separación. Son idóneas en espacios de estética vanguardista. Los vidrios se presentan transparentes, translúcidos, rotos, coloreados… además, podemos usarlos como base, y colocar sobre ellos pegatinas o vinilos, transformándolos de esta manera en piezas con un importante peso decorativo en nuestro hogar.

Existen paneles téxtiles y de papel decorados que enrollados en el techo no ocupan espacio, pero desplegados actúan como si de un tabique se tratase, empapelado a nuestro gusto. Tienen la cualidad de que se pueden convertir en un elemento con una alta carga erótica. Detrás del panel, se intuye lo que sucede… pero solo se intuye.

Cortinas a base de cuentas de colores, abalorios, láminas de plástico unidas con anillas formando un panel, tiras de tela de colores… son soluciones rápidas y económicas pero igualmente decorativas.

La vida es cada vez más comunitaria, más plural y más rápida. El mundo es uno y grande, los espacios se abren ante nosotros… pero nosotros nos resistimos y en una lucha constante entre metros e intimidad, exprimimos toda nuestra creatividad desarrollando soluciones realmente ingeniosas.

Fuente: Decoestilo