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I heart Cupcakes!

Okay, who doesn't really enjoy a cupcake every once in a while... One of my favorite blogs recently posted about a very chic cupcake stand...

So I hate to do this, but I am going to... did you know that Martha Stewart is running a Cutest Cupcake Contest? Well, I went ahead and entered... check them out and if you like mine, would you rate it and comment...

Tomorrow more beautiful weddings!

** Update, since you won't leave me alone, and I've received tons of emails telling me that these aren't cupcakes... let me tell you that THEY ARE CUPCAKES- seriously!!!

You take your favorite cupcake recipe (box or from scratch) bake them in regular cup cake tins... then when cool- use your favorite icing.. once iced... then take mini marshmallows and rip them in half and stick them to the icing... then take some yellow food coloring and water, and brush onto the tops of the cup cakes...

If you want the tubs... then print out on regular paper red and blue stripes, then a label that says Pop Corn... cut to size and tape behind... you are done and done!

So there, they are cupcakes for real!

Offline access to Google Docs

Our team has a real affinity for free-spirited types, and so we spend a lot of time thinking up ways to make Google Docs friendlier even to people on the go. If you're one of those, you already know how you can access your Google Docs from anywhere, how nice it is to avoid having to email yourself files or back up docs with a thumbdrive, and how easily you can collaborate with others.

Of course there was a teeny thing missing: you needed an Internet connection to make Google Docs work for you. Now, for documents, that's no longer true. As you'll read on the Google Docs blog, starting today and over the coming weeks we're rolling out offline editing access to word processing documents to Google Docs users. You no longer need an Internet connection when inspiration strikes. Whether you're working on an airplane or in a cafe, you can automatically access all your docs on your own computer.

To see how offline access works, watch this video:

The Vue!

{click the image to enlarge}

When I was visiting my favorite blogs last week, I came across this amazing wedding photographed by Vue Photography I was completely inspired to stop working on whatever I was doing and create this board.

I absolutely feel that this is the perfect example of photography capturing the mood of the wedding wedding with a great sense of humor that brides and grooms can have, and just plain ole' good fun. I just think it totally rocks!

Thank you, Vue Photography, for capturing truly amazing moments!

Pilar Montenegro (Galeria 1)

Revista H para Hombres

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Utilerias para Windows 2-3

(Cortesía de Wizardi)

KeePass 1.08

KeePass permite gestionar las contraseñas de forma segura. Almacena todas las contraseñas (para acceder a cuentas de correo, portales, ftp, ordenadores, etc) en una única base de datos encriptada con los algoritmos más potentes conocidos (AES y Twofish). Al instalarse, el programa está en inglés, pero desde la página web del programa se puede descargar el archivo de traducción al castellano desde aqui.

Allway Sync 6.3.3

Allway Sync es una herramienta de sincronización de archivos y carpetas, tanto en red como sobre dispositivos móviles (USB, CD, etc). Entre sus múltiples características, se puede señalar que antes de realizar la sincronización, el programa muestra los cambios que se van a realizar; que para mayor seguridad también permite conservar las sucesivas versiones de los archivos en una carpeta de historial; que puede controlarse desde la línea de comandos; que admite filtros; etc. Este programa es la versión gratuita de un programa comercial.

Comodo Firewall Pro

Comodo Firewall Pro es un completo cortafuegos diseñado para ser utilizado tanto por usuarios noatos como experimentados.

ZoneAlarm 7.0.337.000

ZoneAlarm es un cortafuegos. Este programa es la versión gratuita de un programa comercial.

Total Uninstall 2.34

Total Uninstall permite monitorizar los cambios realizados en el ordenador al instalar un nuevo programa, lo que permite realizar posteriormente una desinstalación completa sin necesidad de recurrir al desinstalador del programa, que puede dejar archivos sin borrar o cambios sin restaurar. Las versiones posteriores a esta versión ya no son gratuitas, sino comerciales. Desde principios de 2005 la versión gratuita ya no está disponible en la web del autor. Para instalarlo una vez descargado de Internet, hay que descomprimir el archivo zip en una carpeta y ejecutar el programa setup.exe.

ZSoft Uninstaller 2.4

ZSoft Uninstaller es una utilidad para la desinstalación de programas que mejora el desinstalador estándar de Windows, con más información y opciones.

JkDefrag 3.26

JkDefrag es un desfragmentador de disco. El programa JkDefrag.exe desfragmenta todas las unidades y el programa JkDefragCmd.exe se puede llamar desde la línea de comandos para desfragmentar una unidad concreta. El programa no necesita instalación: hay que descomprimir el archivo zip en una carpeta y ejecutar el programa JkDefrag.exe o JkDefragCmd.exe.

hotkeys 2.0.1

Hotkeys es una utilidad para el teclado que facilita el uso de la tecla de Windows (o su sustitución por la tecla de Bloqueo de Mayúsculas). Al mantener pulsada la tecla de Windows, el programa muestra un atractivo teclado en pantalla que indica los atajos de teclado existentes y también permite redefinirlos.

Launchy 1.25

Launchy permite acceder fácilmente a cualquier programa instalado o a cualquier archivo que se encuentre en el ordenador sin necesidad de recurrir al menú de inicio de Windows ni tener que tener decenas de iconos en el escritorio. Al teclear los primeros caracteres del nombre, Launchy sugiere la aplicación correspondiente y la abre inmediatamente. Antes de instalar Launchy, se necesita tener instalado .NET Framework 2.0.

CDBurnerXP Pro

CDBurnerXP Pro es un programa de grabación de CDs y DVDs, que también puede crear y grabar imágenes ISO. Si se van a utilizar archivos WMA y no se tiene instalado Windows Media 9, antes de instalar CDBurner, hay que descargar e instalar la actualización de Microsoft Windows Media Format 9.0.


CDCheck es una utilidad para la prevención, detección y recuperación de archivos estropeados en CD-ROMs. Al instalarse, el programa está en inglés, pero se puede cambiar al castellano mediante el menú Options > Language.


Have a great weekend! And we'll be back to fabulous posting on Monday!

Enjoy the changes and we have some new links on the right as well!

Take some time and check them out!

Under Construction

Please excuse our dust... we'll be back shortly with our regularlly scheduled fabulous posting.

To-go Cups!

Packing for your honeymoon or a long trip? Packing your bra's sometimes can be difficult -they get smooshed or mis-shappen... what about this new product I came across....

You remember the "bro" from Sienfeld's well now I'd like to introduce you to the bra(g). It's a fun way to pack your bra's so they don't get crushed while you travel.

What do you think, ingenious, or are you un-DD-cided?

Privacy made easier

Because we're strongly committed to protecting your privacy, we want to present our privacy practices in the clearest way possible. Over the past year, we've been experimenting with video to clarify and illustrate the privacy practices set forth in our Google Privacy Policy. We've used videos to communicate with you about things like cookies, IP addresses, and logs. (Check out the Google Privacy Channel on YouTube.) And you've told us that the screen shots, whiteboard drawings, and pointers from the engineers and product managers we've captured on video are helping you better understand the fine points of our Privacy Policy.

With that in mind, today we're announcing a revamp of our Privacy Center. The new Center is a one-stop shop for privacy resources, with various multi-media formats aimed to help you further understand how we store and use data, how to control who you share your data with, and how we protect your privacy. We hope this new Center will help you make more informed privacy choices whenever you use Google products and services.

Eva longoria

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Silvia Navarro

Revista Open y TV Azteca

Los Falsificadores

Los Falsificadores (Die Fälscher, 2007) es una producción de Austria y Alemania dirigida por Stefan Ruzowitzky y estelarizada por Karl Marcovic, August Diehl, Devid Striesow y Martin Brambach. La película captó la atención mundial luego de ser la ganadora del Oscar a la Mejor Película del 2007 en Lengua Extranjera. Los Falsificadores centra su relato en la Operación Bernhard, descrita por Adolf Burger en su libro autobiográfico The Commando of Counterfeiters (1983) como un esfuerzo de los nazis para falsificar billetes extranjeros (primero libras esterlinas y luego dólares americanos) con el fin de desestabilizar las economías de sus enemigos así como financiar las adquisiciones nazis. Los alemanes aprovecharon las habilidades de algunos judíos que estaban prisioneros de los campos de concentración y los llevaron a Sachsenhausen, donde el comandante nazi (Sturmbannführer) Friedrich Herzog (Devid Striesow) es el responsable de la operación. Salomon Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics) es un experto falsificador que participa en la duplicación de libras esterlinas junto a Adolf Burger (August Diehl), un tipógrafo judío-eslovaco y otros prisioneros con conocimientos de dibujo e impresión. A pesar de recibir alimentos y alojamiento adecuados, los judíos sufren el acoso constante del segundo en el mando (Hauptscharführer) Holst (Martin Brambach). Los judíos ven en estas tareas la posibilidad de sobrevivir en condiciones favorables, comparados con los otros prisioneros del campo de concentración. Finalmente logran producir notas del banco de Inglaterra de tal calidad, que ni los expertos de bancos suizos o de la Casa de Moneda de Inglaterra pueden detectar las falsificaciones. Los nazis fueron capaces de producir varios millones de libras esterlinas y entonces decidieron que se falsificara el dólar americano, aunque ya no hubo tiempo suficiente, pues los alemanes evacuaron precipitadamente el campo de Sachsenhausen, ante la inminente llegada de las tropas rusas.

Los Falsificadores se basa en hechos reales descritos en el libro de uno de sus protagonistas, Adolf Burger y aunque se dramatizaron algunas situaciones, la película mantiene el interés del público al describir con gran detalle las vivencias de los falsificadores judíos en Sachsenhausen. Los Falsificadores posee, sin duda, una gran calidad, que le hizo merecidamente la ganadora del Oscar.

Los Falsificadores: *** (Buena)

Do the Bustle....

Why is it that the most common mishap is a broken bustle? Either the bustle doesn't stay up, or a button breaks off, or a guest steps on the back and it tears off.

Keep in mind the loop underneath the dress is NOT a bustle, this is just there to hang the dress on a hanger... it's not really there for you to hold the back of your dress all night. Sorry!

I know it happens to the best of us - I've found that the most likely candidate to stay up is a french bustle with double knots tied underneath- and trust me, I've seen all kinds of bustles, some with over 50 pin ups and sometimes up to 70 all numbered!

If a bustle does come down, I've found that diaper pins work best on keeping the dress pinned up. It's a must in my wedding bag!
And if you don't know what a bustle is or why it's used - a bustle is what you do to the back of the gown, so that it becomes a floor length gown, no matter how long that beautiful train is. You basically can pin up, pull under or hook around.

Insight into YouTube videos

I remember the first time a video I posted to YouTube cracked 100 views. I wasn't so much surprised as curious: Who were these people? How did they find this video? Where did they come from?

Today we're taking our first step towards answering these questions with YouTube Insight, a free tool that enables anyone with a YouTube account -- users, partners, and advertisers -- to view detailed statistics about the videos that they upload. For example, uploaders can see how often their videos are viewed in different geographic regions, as well as how popular they are relative to all videos in that market over a given period of time. You can also delve deeper into the lifecycle of your videos, like how long it takes for a video to become popular, and what happens to video views as popularity peaks. For now, you can find currently available metrics by clicking under the "About this Video" button under My account > Videos, Favorites, Playlists > Manage my Videos.

Insight gives the creators an inside look into the viewing trends of their videos on YouTube, and helps them to increase views and become more popular. Partners can evaluate metrics to better serve and understand their audiences, as well as increase ad revenue. And advertisers can study their metrics and successes to tailor their marketing -- both on and off the site -- and reach the right viewers. As a result, Insight turns YouTube into one of the world's largest focus groups.

There's more about this on the YouTube blog.

CPC: Maximum, average and minimum. An earlier post re-visited

As the Inside AdWords blog approaches its three year anniversary we thought it would be useful to repeat a few reader favorites from our distant past, for those of you who have joined us only recently.

Today we re-visit a popular post from 2006, regarding the several ways in which you'll see 'CPC' mentioned in your account.

Over the years, a specialized vocabulary has evolved around cost-per-click (CPC) advertising, and many newer advertisers find themselves a bit at sea until they've spent a good amount of time with their accounts -- and in the AdWords Help Center, where they'll find a helpful glossary of the most commonly used terms.

One particular area of confusion revolves around the three types of CPCs -- Maximum CPC, Average CPC, and Minimum CPC -- so let's take a closer look at these terms:

CPC is an abbreviation for cost-per-click, and refers to the cost that you will pay (per click) when a user clicks on your ad.

Maximum CPC is a maximum amount that is set by you, the advertiser, and defines the most you wish to pay for a click on a keyword. Keep in mind that you don't automatically pay this maximum amount because the AdWords Discounter will always reduce the amount you are charged to be just one cent more than the minimum necessary to keep your position on the page.

Average CPC (also seen as Avg. CPC in your account) is literally that: an average. Since each click you receive may have a different CPC depending on a variety of factors, we show you the Average CPC in your account to give you an effective overview. The Average CPC is determined by totalling the cost of all clicks and then dividing that total by the number of clicks.

Minimum CPC (more commonly known as the minimum bid) is an amount based on the keyword's Quality Score that is assigned to each keyword in your account. The minimum bid is the least amount you may pay per click in order for your keyword to show ads.

We hope this sheds some light on the subject - and invite you to do a little further exploring in the searchable Help Center, if you'd like a greater depth of detail.

AdWords Editor tip: Copying into a spreadsheet

One of AdWords Editor's lesser known features is the ability to copy directly out of the data grid and paste into your spreadsheet program of choice. This way, you can pull the contents of a particular tab of Editor and modify the data to your heart's content. You can then post your changes directly back into Editor using the 'Make Multiple Changes' dialog box. The data will also automatically be in the correct format so there's no need to delete or move columns around. The instructions below are for Windows machines. Happy spreadsheeting!
  1. Compile the information you need in a tab (you can use Advanced Search to help)
  2. Hit Ctrl+A to highlight all of the information in the tab
  3. Hit Ctrl+C to copy all of the highlighted data
  4. Open the spreadsheet application of your choice
  5. Hit Ctrl+V to paste the data into your spreadsheet
  6. Make your changes
  7. Copy and paste back into the 'Make Multiple Changes' dialog on the relevant tab
  8. Post your changes
  9. Go do something with all the time you saved (coffee, walk, call your Mom, etc.)

Today is Document Freedom Day

Today, the world is celebrating the first-ever Document Freedom Day. More than 200 teams in 60 countries are spending today raising awareness about document freedom by hosting speakers, events, and literally raising the DFD flag. Through such activities, these teams are committed to spreading the word about the importance of open documents and the workable open standards that ensure your access to your documents now and in the future. We at Google wholeheartedly join the community of users, organisations, businesses, governments and individuals around the world in today's celebration.

Our mission concerning the world's information is well known. Naturally, your access to your information is also important to us. When you save a document, you need to be sure that the information in it will be accessible tomorrow, a month from now, ten years from now. How and where you choose to access your documents shouldn't make a difference. This is what Document Freedom Day is about.

Five years ago, who would have thought that we'd be accessing the documents we created then on our cell phones? And yet today we expect this. The standard by which your document is formatted today absolutely needs to be readable and available to those who design the technology for tomorrow. This is the only way that you will know for sure that the information you entrust to your documents now will be yours for as long as you want it to be.

So wherever you are, join the fun and support your freedom to access your information. Find out more and help to spread the word: Document freedom means freedom of information for all of us, now, later and long, long into the future.

Ummm, well I know, but, I uh...

So, I went out for drinks with a photographer that I truly admire, and I work with quite a bit. I asked her if having a Wedding Consultant at her weddings helped her weddings go more smoothly. And she adamantly agreed that they do. And then I asked her what she thought I did - and she really couldn't answer. She knew that I made her weddings go much more smoothly, the timing was better, brides weren't late - but couldn't quite answer what I do.

I think this is a more common issue than we know. I actually scheduled a first appointment with her as if she was a bride, I'll let you know how it goes - I am actually excited for it!

Do you think that other vendors know that Wedding Consultants help them tremendously, but don't actually know how much we do? I was thinking of starting an education campaign for vendors in our area - You are great at what you do, and so I am.... sort of thing. Maybe not that brash...
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think the vendors really know what we do... am I off base completely?

Margarita Magaña

EsMas.com y Revista TVynovelas