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Sin Lugar para Debiles

Sin Lugar para Débiles (No Country For Old Men, 2007) es una película dirigida por los hermanos Ethan y Joel Coen, siendo estelarizada por Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem y Josh Brolin. El filme esta basado en la novela homónima de Cormac McCarthy publicada en el 2005. Un intercambio de droga por dinero en una planicie al oeste de Texas termina en un tiroteo entre los miembros de ambos bandos. Un cazador, Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), llega posteriormente al sitio, donde todos han muerto salvo una persona, quien gravemente herida le pide un poco de agua. Moss no lleva líquidos, pero tras revisar el área se encuentra un portafolios con dos millones de dólares. El cazador se lleva el dinero a su domicilio, donde vive en compañía de su esposa, Carla Jean (Kelly Macdonald). De noche, motivado por su cargo de conciencia, Moss decide llevarle agua al herido, sólo para encontrarse con algunos narcotraficantes mexicanos, quienes acudieron al sitio para recuperar la droga y el dinero. Tras una persecución Moss es herido pero logra huir. Regresa a su casa y decide enviar a su esposa a casa de su suegra en otra ciudad. Moss toma otro rumbo, aunque desconoce que el portafolios contiene un transmisor de radio, lo que ocasionará ser perseguido por un despiadado asesino a sueldo, Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), quien no duda en eleminar a quienes lo contratron con tal de quedarse él mismo con el dinero. Armado con una pistola de émbolo oculto (utilizada para sacrificar ganado), Chigurh elimina a quien se le oponga en su camino, aunque tiene la extraña afición de apostar con una moneda a cara o cruz la vida de otras personas. El sheriff del condado, el veterano Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), no se encuntra muy interesado en investigar el caso de los narcotraficantes, pues se encuentra a punto de jubilarse. Moss se mueve de motel en motel, ocultando el dinero en los ductos de aire acondicionado, mientras Chigurh se abre paso volando las cerraduras de las puertas con su pistola neumática. La persecución llegará hasta la frontera con México, donde también intervendrá otro sicario, Carson Wells (Woody Harrelson). Un encuentro en un motel de El Paso pondrá en un mismo sitio a Moss, Chigurh, los narcotraficantes mexicanos e incluso el sheriff Bell. Al final Chigurh ubica a Carla Jean, a quien le apostará su futuro mediante un cara o cruz para luego huir de manera impune.

Un aspecto fundamental de Sin Lugar para Débiles es su apego a la novela original respecto a la suerte y el destino. Bardem le da vida a un memorable villano (Chigurh) mientras que Tommy Lee Jones encarna perfectamente a un lacónico oficial de la ley que ha perdido el interés en impartir justicia en tiempos tan violentos (ubicados en junio de 1980). Con escenas realmente violentas y un ritmo semi-lento de suspenso, Sin Lugar para Débiles destaca por las excelentes actuaciones de los actores, que dan vida a personajes diametralmente opuestos y con motivaciones distintas.
Sin Lugar para Débiles: *** (Buena)

Trash the Tux!

Big craze right now is to Trash the Dress! Get it all nasty, and take amazing photographs! But check this out! I think this HOT totally fab photographer is on to something, don't you? Check out Kara Pennington's website and blog for some great images!

How fun that a guy in his tux would start wake-boarding! Thanks Kara for capturing such a fun image! Your Rock!

International Science + Engineering Fair

You aren't likely to find your standard potato battery project at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), a project of the Society for Science & the People. Nor will you see many forced volcano eruptions. You're more likely to notice the 1,200 students from across the world coming together to share projects like "FDIS: A Fast Frequency Distribution Based Interpolation Search Algorithm" and "Probing for Cancer with Smart shRNA."

In 2010, the ISEF will return to Silicon Valley, bringing talented young minds together for innovative discussions and projects in San Jose. We're very pleased to be sponsoring this gathering, which will attract promising young minds from more than 40 nations. Since we're committed to engaging talented minds, we will be delighted to give this global community of future scientists the chance to meet and compete. Prizes on offer include more than three million dollars in awards and scholarships, in addition to opportunities for internships and scientific field trips.

It's no surprise that this has been called the "Olympics of science fairs" -- we're excited to see what the next generation of scientists and engineers has to offer! And you may wonder why we're telling you about this now, since 2010 seems far off. Budding scientists who want to compete have a lot to do between now and then. Read more about the participation process.

Flasback to the 80s!

Yup, welcome to the 80s! Everything was BIG! And strange, looking back, I can't believe my mom let me wear nougahide! I looked like a couch, with huge shoulder pads!

But the 80s for a wedding, well really it meant BIG as well. Lots of train, lots of veils, ruffles, tulle, sleeves, lots of crinoline, and just lots of shiney fabric. Brides wore hats with veils, and big hair, big curls, did I mention things were big?

Another big thing that happened in the 80s, was the BIG wedding of Princess Diana - that was when my love affair with weddings began. I remember waking up at 5AM and turning on my little Black and White television so quiet my parents couldn't hear and watching my princess marry her prince.

Dresses were big, flowers were beautiful long flowing layers of roses.

Lots of shiney fabric, almost to the point where you could see your reflection in the fabric.

And men, well, they look handsome, minus alllll that hair..
I think we've learned alot from our past, but first and foremost, I think we've all learned that marriage after all isn't about who can have a bigger wedding (literally or figuratively) it's about the marriage. The joining of two people lives forever and it doesn't matter what you wear, what your hair looks like (although it's fun to look back) it's about the love shared between two people and two very different lives, become one amazing life.

The Luck of the Irish!

I am going to Ireland is less than a month! And I am staying here. Aren't you jealous, if you aren't you totally should be! This is actually a photograph of the actual tower we have rented for the week. It is amazing! The perfect spot for a wedding.

Don't worry, I'll be blogging with tons of photographs - but the castle only has dial up internet access... I mean HELLO get with technology you old 600 year old amazing piece of architecture!

So I thought I'd just brag a bit about where I'll be in less than a month. And forewarn you that blogging may be intermittent and a bit off due to the time change.

We are flying into Dublin and staying there for one night, then driving across the country, take a peek at my map. If you've ever been and have some tips for me, leave a comment or email me and let me know where to go, what to see and where to shop!

Google Finance UK open for business

The UK Google Finance site, geared to investors in the UK, is now live. You can access stock prices, mutual funds, financial news, blogs, and charts, all through our easy-to-use and familiar interface. Here are some highlights:
  • Search with a preference for UK companies and mutual funds.
  • Google News integration – With a preference for news from British sources. The news is organized in groups by news topic, rather than listed by date, so you won't have to scroll through multiple headlines for the same news story.
  • Interactive Charts – Maps market data with corresponding news stories in a single interactive chart, so you can track news to stock performance. You can also click and drag on the charts to see different time periods, and zoom in for more detailed information.
  • Front page market summary with FTSE indices and British pound exchange rates.
  • Blogs – Incorporates blog postings for related company information from Google Blog Search.
  • Discussion Groups – High quality discussion forums are part of the service. We have a team of folks dedicated to keeping the conversation experience free of spam and irrelevant posts.
  • Portfolios – A fast and easy way for you to create and track portfolios of stocks and mutual funds in the currency of your choice.
Feel free to leave comments on this blog or send us email through the Help Center. While we can't respond to all notes, your feedback has a huge impact on how we prioritize new features.

Gabriela Spanic (Galeria 1)

TeleMundo, Revista H para Hombres, Maxim, Urbe Bikini y TV Notas

Otras fotos:

Fotos de Daniela Spanic
(Hermana Gemela de Gabriela):

Flashback to the 70s!

The 70s when skirts got shorter and floral prints got bigger, what were we thinking! But then again, I am sure in 30 years our kids will be saying the same thing about us, "Mom, how did you let me wear THAT!" Goodness, I say that now! I looked back at my middle school year book for no apparent reason, and I don't know how I didn't spontaneously-combust with all that Aquanet in my hair! (but I digress)

Juliet caps were the in thing to wear as a headpiece. Women had longer sleeves on their dresses then the length on their skirts. Men started to look more like waiters, and less like pimps. People danced "the fever" - Good Times, Good Times!
I apologize I can't give photo credit to either of these, but I have a few things to point out. Check out the big shoulders and long sleeves, and the length of that skirt. And his "tie" or ruffle, super cool, no?

I love that they are cutting the top layer in the below picture (the cake could have just tipped right over), my parents did the same thing - I wonder why? And the flowers in the brides hair (or are those pins) I think they are just the start of what's to come!

Tomorrow, look for the 80's! Big hair, big flowers, big dresses! And break-dancing at a wedding... things that make you go hmmmmm....

Duelo de Asesinos

Duelo de Asesinos (Seraphim Falls, 2007) es una película dirigida por David Von Ancken y estelarizada por Pierce Brosnan, Liam Neeson y Anjelica Huston. La acción se ubica después del fin la Guerra Civil Americana. El ex-capitán unionista Gideon (Pierce Brosnan) es perseguido en las nevadas montañas Rocallosas por un grupo de hombres armados lidereados por el ex-coronel confederado Morsman Carver (Liam Neeson). Carver ha contratado al grupo de individuos (Ed Lauter, Tom Noonan, John Robinson, Michael Wincott) para capturar a Gideon, cuyos soldados mataron involuntariamente a la esposa y al hijo menor del coronel al quemar la casa de Carver a finales de la guerra. Durante la persecución en las montañas Gideon resulta herido pero logra huir (con grandes dificultades) al ser arrastrado por un río. La ruta de escape de Gideon lo llevará desde las cumbres cubiertas de nieve hasta las praderas al pie de las montañas, seguido siempre de cerca por Carver y sus mercenarios. En su camino se encontrarán con deshonestos empleados de la construcción del ferrocarril, bandoleros fugitivos de la ley y hasta un piel roja que cuida el agua de un estanque en una zona árida. Gideon, en base a astucia, logra ir eliminando paulatinamente a los ayudantes de Carver, por lo que ambos se encontrarán frente a frente, exhaustos y sedientos, en medio del desierto. Cabe la pena señalar que previo al duelo final se aparece una misteriosa mujer llamada Louise C. Fair ¿o Lucifer? (Anjelica Huston) quien vende medicinas milagrosas y le proporciona a ambos hombres lo necesario para enfrentarse a muerte (el mal haciendo "su parte").

Duelo de Asesinos resulta una película (¿western?) interesante, con algunas secuencias de acción bien logradas en diversos escenarios naturales pero sobre todo seremos testigos de una desgastante persecución donde la historia se destaca por un lado el deseo de venganza y por otro el instinto de supervivencia. Duelo de Asesinos tuvo una discreta exhibición en los Estados Unidos ha pesar de sus innegables virtudes.

Duelo de Asesinos: *** (Buena)

It's all about Me!

I am not one to brag about a product unless I've personally used it and loved it! And tonight I am letting you know that I found something that I loved!!! It's a bath product, called Me!Bath, I am sure you've seen it - they look like large scoops of ice cream and the flavors they come in are endless, from Mango to Magnolia.

My husband and I went to our local spa and afterwards I purchased a scoop of Me!Bath, the Lychee flavor (I wish I'd gotten a dozen!) - and used it tonight. It was amazing. It fizzed like crazy, smelled amazing, turned the bath water a beautiful salmon color, and left my skin feeling amazing! Seriously silky smooth!! The scoop released minerals, oils and leaves your skin feeling and smelling beautiful!

So when you are ready to spoil yourself or a friend - try Me!Bath products, and they make a great hostess gift!

What's in The Name?

Okay, so I am THAT person. Seriously! It took me 11 years to change my name from Miss Maiden Name to Mrs. Married Name. I can't give you all of the excuses, because my husband was all for me hyphenating... or keeping my last name.

There was no pressure to change who I was. But the thought of all of that trouble, changing my credit cards and my library card, and my blockbuster card, and my driver's license, Social Security Card, my Passport, I guess it just seemed daunting.

But now there is Maiden Name Change.com the easiest way to change your name! They even fill in the forms for you! I mean, HELLO how easy can that be!

It's affordable and they help you every step of the way! They'll give you a list of activities, simple and friendly reminders - and you can make sure not to miss a step - like that voter's registration card that got forgotten (yeah, I didn't realize that until today...oops!)

I wish this was around when we got married!!!

Hippy Love- the 60s!

The 60's was full of love, love, love! And the weddings, real weddings, I am not talking about Hippie Weddings, but regular ole' weddings, were amazing, and absolutely showed the love surrounding the bride and groom.

The gown on the left was a Couture design from Calvin Klein - so beautiful! I think my mother has a photograph very similar to this on a staircase with the dress billowing behind her. Just a timeless pose.

In the next image, I just love the bobby socks with the flat Mary Jane shoes, so adorable, with the knee length bridesmaids dresses. And the dainty ribbon in their hair - is too cute! I do love the lace trim on the brides gown at the hem-line of her ballroom gown.

This next image, is the start of a tradition that spanned several decades, the HUGE veil, this reminds me of my veiling in the early 90s - BIG! Her ballroom dress was BIG, her headpiece was large in the front and hung low on her head. Her bouquet was on the larger size. You can see that the 60s was the start of the 80s - if that makes any sense.

I simply love this image! I love how the bridesmaids all have veils! And the groomsmen are wearing very large carnations, and the bridesmaids have the frilly tops, this is another trend that was welcomed into the 80s. (I think you can tell that the groom just wants the photographs to be done with so that he can get home and start consummating this marriage!)

Preeti Butani

10 Pics

Amazing Penguin

The bird living in a zoo of Edinburgh, already more than ten years is under trusteeship of royal army of Norway. For this time penguin Nils Olav has made the present military career. From the second lieutenant it has served to the colonel, the rank to it was appropriated the special order by king. In honour of this event solemn ceremony has been arranged. Norwegian military have specially arrived to Scotland to salute the winged officer. It has lead the first review of armies.
6 Pics

Bipasha and John

After their break-up here are Bipasha and John heats up the winter edition of the FilmFare Cover (December 2007 edition).
10 Pics

Adriana Louvier (Galeria 2)

Revista Max, TV Azteca y Representaciones Gabriel Blanco

Otras fotos: