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Announcing View-through conversion reporting on the Google Content Network

Earlier this year, we mentioned our plans to improve the measurement of conversions for display advertising campaigns on the Google Content Network. Today, to help you better measure the value of your display advertising campaigns, we're announcing a new feature called View-through conversion reporting on the Google Content Network.

Display ads are influential in increasing brand awareness and driving purchase consideration, and with View-through conversion reporting, you can better measure the impact of your display ad campaign for those instances where your ad is seen, but not immediately clicked on. More specifically, View-through conversion reporting measures the number of conversions that occurred within 30 days of your display ad appearing for which there was no ad click generated.

By using View-through conversion reporting, you can more easily compare the performance of your Google Content Network campaign with the performance of your other display advertising campaigns. This feature can also help you determine the best ways and places to advertise, how best to optimize your display ad campaigns, and, ultimately, how to spend your advertising dollars more effectively.

Here is an example of how View-through conversion reporting works: Let's say you're selling pet food online and you're measuring conversions on your site's email newsletter sign-up and your shopping cart "Thank You" pages. If a user sees your display ad, does not click on it but then visits your site within the next 30 days to sign-up to receive your email newsletter and to purchase a couple dozen cans of organic cat food, you'll see two View-through conversions reported on your Campaigns tab in AdWords.

Starting today, you can also visit the Campaigns tab in AdWords and activate the optional View-through conversion reporting column. You'll need to have AdWords Conversion Tracking installed for View-through conversion reporting to work for your campaigns.

To learn more about View-through conversion reporting on the Google Content Network, you can visit the Help Center. We hope this feature will provide you with better information about your campaigns and help you get the most out of your display advertising campaigns.

Maite Perroni (RBD) Galeria 4

Surfacing forum posts in search results

Today, we introduced a new search feature that makes it easier for you to find forum posts or discussions related to what you're searching for. This new addition to Google search results applies to sites that tend to have a large number of posts on a specific topic. When several different discussions on a site are relevant to your query, we indent them under the primary result and include the date of each post.

So for instance, if you search for [getting from rome to florence] you will see, below the third result, a list of relevant discussions on various ways to get between these cities.

It's always nice to know what others are saying about the best ways to get around (by boat or train) and how recent those comments are — especially if it's your first time traveling to Italy.

We hope this feature gives you a deeper view into the relevant content available on sites throughout the web — even when that content spans multiple pages or discussions.
At the same time, the main search results are diverse as always — so if you can't pinpoint a useful comment there's a list of relevant sites there to help.

New Seminars for Success locations

If you're looking for some help with your online advertising for Q4 or 2010, consider attending one of our in-person full-day seminars about AdWords, Analytics or Website Optimizer.

In the coming months we'll be offering Seminars for Success in the following cities:

AdWords 101: Beginner and 201: Intermediate
October 5-6:
New York City Area
October 26-27:
Chicago, IL
November 2-3:
Berkeley, CA
November 16-17:
Charlotte, NC
December 7-8: Scottsdale, AZ

Adwords 301:Advanced Account Optimization and AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization
October 13-14:
Dallax, TX
October 20-21:
Seattle, WA
November 3-4:
Los Angeles, CA

Analytics: Introduction and Analytics: Advanced
October 8-9:
New York City, NY
October 22-23:
Melbourne, Australia
October 28-29:
Chicago, IL
November 4-5:
Berkeley, CA
November 18-19:
Seattle, WA
December 9-10:
Scottsdale, AZ
December 9-10:
Charlotte, NC

Website Optimizer
October 30:
Chicago, IL
December 11:
Scottsdale, AZ

For more information about Seminars for Success, including registration details, course outlines, and past attendees' comments, please visit

Translate your website with Google: Expand your audience globally

How long would it take to translate all the world's web content into 50 languages? Even if all of the translators in the world worked around the clock, with the current growth rate of content being created online and the sheer amount of data on the web, it would take hundreds of years to make even a small dent.

Today, we're happy to announce a new website translator gadget powered by Google Translate that enables you to make your site's content available in 51 languages. Now, when people visit your page, if their language (as determined by their browser settings) is different than the language of your page, they'll be prompted to automatically translate the page into their own language. If the visitor's language is the same as the language of your page, no translation banner will appear.

After clicking the Translate button, the automatic translations are shown directly on your page.

It's easy to install — all you have to do is cut and paste a short snippet into your webpage to increase the global reach of your blog or website.

Automatic translation is convenient and helps people get a quick gist of the page. However, it's not a perfect substitute for the art of professional translation. Today happens to be International Translation Day, and we'd like to take the opportunity to celebrate the contributions of translators all over the world. These translators play an essential role in enabling global communication, and with the rapid growth and ease of access to digital content, the need for them is greater than ever. We hope that professional translators, along with translation tools such as Google Translator Toolkit and this Translate gadget, will continue to help make the world's content more accessible to everyone.

Charge ahead with Think2010 series

With 2010 just around the corner, we've been thinking about what the new year might hold, and are feeling optimistic. We're hoping we can transition from working with you through the recession to working with you through a recovery. That's why we're launching the Think2010: Getting Ahead of the Recovery series. For the next few months, the Inside AdWords Blog will be devoting a weekly post to looking forward (with links on the Agency Ad Solutions Blog to let you know when a new post is live).

The series will highlight wisdom from Googlers and outsiders alike, and offer opportunities for deeper learning. Over the course of the series you'll see posts on innovation, experimentation, speed, and deeper customer connections -- themes we believe will be critical to 2010 success.

To kick off the series, on October 6th we'll be hosting the webinar “Using Data to Better Connect with Your Customers." Avinash Kaushik will discuss core data sources to have in your 2010 targeting toolkit, and highlight how free tools like Google Trends for Websites, Insights for Search, and Ad Planner can help you be more efficient and confidently make decisions to maximize your return-on-investment.

When: Tuesday, October 6th, 10amPST / 12pmCST / 1pmEST
Register here

We hope the Think2010: Getting Ahead of the Recovery series will be a good resource to help you charge ahead feeling informed and inspired.

Ideas para decorar el baño de los niños

Espero que este artículo sirva como una fuente de inspiración para aquellos que buscan decorar el baño de los niños.

La elección del color del cuarto de baño de un niño puede ser complicado. Aunque muchos diseñadores recomiendan tener una base neutral de color blanco y cuadros de los niños que muestren su crecimiento, el cuarto de baño debería tener colores vivos y los temas con personajes preferidos.

He colocado un conjunto de imágenes interesantes que encontré en la red. Echa un vistazo.

Selección de 10 diseños de dormitorios

He seleccionado una lista de hermosas habitaciones o dormitorios que he visto por la red.
Que tal les parece?

Cocinas color naranja

El color naranja en tu cocina irradia diversión, extravagancia y energía. El naranja es
considerado como un color extremo y a veces tienden a cambiar la actitud de la gente. El color naranja, como el rojo hace que abra el apetito.

Abajo tendrán varias muestras de cocinas de color naranja. Qué opinan?