You can learn more about all the seminars we offer on the course description page of our website. And for those of you interested in attending future seminars, in the coming months we'll be offering Seminars for Success in the following cities:
April 6-7: Austin, TX - AdWords 101: Beginner and AdWords 201: Intermediate
May 4-5: Tampa, FL - AdWords 101: Beginner and AdWords 201: Intermediate
May 20-21: Philadelphia, PA - AdWords 301: Advanced Account Optimization and AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization
June 4-5: Chicago, IL - AdWords 301: Advanced Account Optimization and AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization
June 15-16: San Diego, CA - AdWords 101: Beginner and AdWords 201: Intermediate
June 24-25: Boston, MA - AdWords 301: Advanced Account Optimization and AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization
April 15-16: Orange County, CA - Analytics: Introduction and Analytics: Advanced
April 21-22: Honolulu, HI - Analytics: Introduction and Analytics: Advanced
April 27-28: Boston, MA - Analytics: Introduction and Analytics: Advanced
June 10-11: Miami, FL - Analytics: Introduction and Analytics: Advanced
Website Optimizer
April 17: Orange County, CA - Website Optimizer
April 23: Honolulu, HI - Website Optimizer
If you sign up for seminars at least seven days in advance, we'll even throw in a $50 AdWords credit (terms and conditions).
For more information about Seminars for Success, including registration details, course outlines, and past attendees' comments, please visit