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Upcoming Google Marketer's Playbook sessions

Join us for the next series of The Google Marketer's Playbook at ad:tech New York, beginning November 3rd. At these educational sessions, you'll learn strategies from Google specialists to help you make the most of AdWords and other Google products such as Analytics and YouTube. Topics include optimization strategy, measurement and tracking, and increasing reach, and each talk is followed by live Q&A sessions with the specialists.

The Google Marketer's Playbook sessions are open to all ad:tech exhibit hall pass holders. To obtain a free exhibit hall pass to the ad:tech event of your choice, visit www.ad-tech.com and click on the 'register' link next to the show you'd like to attend. 

And if you can't make the New York sessions, or missed the series at past ad:tech conferences, you can watch recordings of these talks on our playlist on the Google Business Channel.