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Go Mobile! Series: Enhanced click-to-call phone numbers

Recently, we announced new click-to-call phone numbers for local ads that appear on mobile devices with full internet browsers, like iPhone, Android or Palm Pre. This week, we're bringing the same click-to-call benefits to national advertisers through phone extensions. Phone extensions allow you to add a phone number that will be displayed whenever your ad is triggered, regardless of the user's location. Your number will appear as the last line of any ad text within existing or new campaigns. This enables customers to connect with your business by phone directly from the ad and can be especially useful if you have a call center to handle customer inquiries.

To display your national business phone number on mobile devices with full browsers, follow these two steps:

1. Set up phone extensions and add your business phone number. Customers will be able to click to call your business directly from your ad.

2. Ensure that you've chosen to show your ads on iPhones and other mobile devices with full Internet browsers in your campaign settings.

You can review how many calls you've received for each keyword, ad group, or campaign from the Campaigns page within AdWords.

On the Campaigns, Ad groups or Keywords tabs on the Campaigns page, click the 'Segment' button above the statistics table.

Select 'Click Type' to see which clicks resulted in visits to your website or phone calls.

To learn more, check out the AdWords Help Center.