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How to care for a large keyword list

Companies that offer many different products or services have one thing in common - the potential for large keywords lists. If your clients fit this description, here are a few tips on how to manage a keyword list when you find it's getting, well, too hard to manage.

First: Focus on the big players

To break down a massive keyword list into more manageable pieces, consider starting with the keywords that receive the most traffic or represent your client's most popular products. Create ad groups with customized ad text for these top keywords, rather than writing specific ads for every product your client offers.

For example, let's say your client sells DVDs. You can create ad groups for the top ten movie titles per genre and write specific ads relating to those keywords.

Second: Organize the rest

What about the rest of the keywords that are more obscure or aren't as popular? Here are some options to effectively manage those:

  • If you have keywords that are very specific, such as product model numbers or small-town names, group them together and use keyword insertion in the ad text. Remember to continue to organize your keywords into ad groups with closely-knit themes so that your ad text is as relevant as possible.
  • Use AdWords Editor when making large-scale changes to your clients' accounts. By importing account statistics directly into AdWords Editor, you can easily make changes based on account performance. For example, you can locate and delete keywords that haven't received any traffic in the past.

Lastly, be sure to test various approaches to keyword management to find the optimal method for you. For more tips on managing your keyword lists, visit our Help Center.